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  • Panic attacks | The Hope Project

    Panic Attacks A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause. Panic attacks can be very frightening. When panic attacks occur, you might think you're losing control, having a heart attack or even dying. ​ While they are frightening they are not dangerous. There are things you can to to feel calmer and more in control. Breathing If you're breathing quickly during a panic attack, doing a breathing exercise can ease your other symptoms. Try this: Breath in as slowly, deeply and gently as you can, through your nose. Breath out slowly, deeply and gently through your mouth. Some people find it helpful to count steadily from one to five on each in- breath and each out-breath. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. 5,4,3,2,1 technique If you're having a panic attack the 5,4,3,2,1 grounding technique can be very helpful. This is how: Name 5 things you can see, Name 4 things you can feel, Name 3 things you can hear, Name 2 things you can smell, Name 1 thing you can taste. This technique is to ground you and help you focus. ​ What we are trying to do is ground you and make you feel more in control to cope better. ​ Sometimes having something in your hands while doing these techniques can really help. For example holding ice cubes or playing with a fidget toy. ​ ​ There are also some apps you can download that can help you calm down. Rootd Breathwrk Clear fear Headspace Daylio journal Woebot Some people like to do activities to focus their mind on something else. For example: Drawing Colouring Ripping paper Watch a movie Listen to music really loud Going for a walk Playing/ spending time with a pet. Calling a friend ​ It can be anything, if it helps you that is what matters. ​ Making a little plan as to what you can do when you feel a panic attack coming on or when your having one can be helpful. A little list of things you can do in that moment can help you. ​ Helping someone having a panic attack. It can be scary when someone you know is having a panic attack, but there are some simple things you can do to help them: Stay calm , Keep your voice Calm and don't talk about or focus on what is happening to them during a panic attack. Remind them that they are safe and it will be over soon. Ask them if they need anything . Someone having a panic attack might not always be able to tell you what they need, but asking can help remind them they are not alone. Help them to breath. Try counting out loud as you breath in for 5 seconds and out for 5 seconds. Support the afterwards, take them somewhere quiet to calm down and get them some water if they need it.

  • Media and Hope News | The Hope Project

    Hope Project News Here you can find all media Interviews, News and events regarding the hope project and so much more. 01/ 03/ 2023 TippFm " We are the forgotten generation when it comes to mental health" ​ "Charlotte is 17 years old from Carrick on Suir. She set up the Hope Project two years ago when she was just 15. The ‘Hope’ part of the group is an abbreviation for ‘Hold on Pain Ends.’ The Project has a community of people from all around the globe. Charlotte was in studio with Fran. Press here to Listen. 14/ 02/ 2023 Irish Examiner "Case study: 'Under-18s are the forgotten generation' Charlotte McDonnell (17) was not surprised at the latest report criticising the Camhs, having faced obstacles during her time with the services in Tipperary." Press here to read full article Photo taken by John D Kelly 03/ 02/ 2023 Tipperary Live " Carrick-on-Suir teenager's HOPE Project campaigns for better mental health services for young people. A Carrick-on-Suir teenager is the founder of an online project promoting mental health awareness and advocating for better mental health services for young people. The Hope Project website was set up by Charlotte McDonnell two years ago when she was 15-years-old ​ Press here to read full article 03/ 11/ 2022 WLRFM "Charlotte Mac is a 17 year-old living in Carrick who joined Damien in studio to discuss her website The Hope Project. She set it up two years ago when she was just 15. The 'Hope' part of the website is an abbreviation for 'Hold On Pain Ends.' The Project has a community of people from all around the globe, including in America and the UK." Press here to listen

  • Your story's | THE HOPE PROJECT

    Your stories Welcome, this part of the hope project is called "your stories". Here you can submit your own story anonymously and if you choose it will be posted here. You can write about anything from your mental health struggles and feelings, bullying, school stress, something traumatic that happened to you etc. This is a way to talk about something that you are too scared to tell anyone. You can also read other peoples story's because maybe you will relate and wont feel so alone. Whatever your story is we are here to listen and it matters. Please press the link to be taken to where you can submit your story. View More "i’ve been suffering from mental health issues for about 3 years and been struggling with self harm & suicidal thoughts for most of that time. one day last year i had just had enough and i’d completely given up & lost hope that anything would get better, that night i made an attempt on my life which then landed me in hospital requiring treatment. for anyone considering taking their lives please give life another shot, i know things are unimaginably tough for you right now but things can improve with time and the right help. you matter, you’re strong and the world is a better place with you in it. keep fighting <3" I Have struggled with mental health for years, it has been the hardest thing I have had to go through because I felt so alone even when people tried to help me. I feel like I completely lost myself in the last year and I am depressed and anxious all the time Or i just feel numb and that is even worse. I have had many suicide attempts and I’ve been hospitalised too. I have support from my family and friends and as much as they try they can’t help. My suicidal thoughts got so much stronger and keeping going every day feels like I’m running a marathon. It is getting better it’s just hard. I know I will be happy one day, it’s just so hard waiting for that. If you are struggling your not alone keep flighting xxx Anchor 1 Hi, this is my story . As a kid I had a hard time growing up ,I was told I couldn’t do many things and they didn’t think I could ever. I have spina bifida. Spina bifida is a diagnosis made by doctors while your in the womb or as soon as your born or so they said when I was a kid ,but now you can be diagnosed later on in life. I was diagnosed when I turned two, they kept telling my mother there was nothing wrong with me but there was. It’s been hard growing up through being judged out in public to getting bullied in school to being treated totally differently and it’s not fair. People consider me lucky because there’s other people who have it way worse than me and I know that. I’m considered lucky compared to them because I’m able to walk I’m able to live my life and I’m great full for that . We shouldn’t be treated differently. As I’m still in secondary school the battle isn’t over yet but you have to keep going. I am going to reach the gold underneath the rainbow 🌈 That is my story The past 3 or 4 years I have dealt with poor mental health, I've went to different organisations for therapy. I struggled with suicidal thoughts and wouod consider acting on them on a daily basis. I would harm myself and there were days where j wanted to do nothing but stay in bed away from the world.But after a while of therapy,understanding how I was feeling I did get better. Cracks can't fully heal but I know I'm a lot happier than before all because I hoped and worked hard to be where I am today. There is light at the end of a tunnel and once you realise your not alone that's your first step in the right direction. I have tried to end my life 7 times, the last time I was in hospital for a good while. I still think about doing it again but then I remember all the people I would be leaving behind and I cant do that to them. People say it will get better but i know it will take a lot of time to get there but I know I can do this. YOU HAVE GOT THIS I BELIEVE IN YOU ! I have struggled with my mental health since the age of 12, I am now almost 30 and have a list of diagnosis. Right now every second of every day is a struggle. but I know I've survived 18 years of this so to give up now would throw all of that away. I just want it to get better. I'm Tired of fighting. I have had periods of happiness so i know that will come back One day but its so hard to focus on that when things get so dark. my story began when i was 10 years old when i was sexually abused by one of my brothers friends, it happened on multiple occasions and didn’t really hit me until i was 14 or 15. i began becoming really anxious and on edge as well as suffering from depressive episodes. during that time, i started self harming as a way to cope. it was when i was 16 when i started experiencing suicidal thoughts which consumed my mind all the time. i’m currently 17 and am still battling with my mind, suicidal thoughts and the thought of relapsing. i hope to everyone who is reading this that you are well and you stay strong. you are so valued. you are so worthy. and i love you so much that is my story x I recently lost my uncle to cancer and it fully destroyed me, i ended up shutting myself away and turning to self harm as i couldn't even start to explain the feelings in me. But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel even when its beyond hard to find, but throughout it ive learnt theres always going to be someone there to help you and get you back on the right track x "I’ve been struggling my whole life with my mental health I grew up with drug addicted parents and the trauma and pain from that really broke me I found one of my parents almost dead one day but I never really understood half of it tell I got older it only got worse when I started secondary school I spiralled into a bad depression I started self harming and developing my own mental issues on top of the trauma I grew up with the pain I felt inside broke me racing sad thoughts 24 hours of the day and I jsut couldn’t think about anything else I tried loads of things to help me but nothing stopped I had restless nights and a chest filled with axienty all the times I was sent to camhs and told them all of my story and I was told I was looking for attention at that point I felt so alone that I was nearing a attempt on my life i tried peita house they where good but it Only helped for a few hours to share my story but it dint change anything for me I was so tired of it all I left school stopped doing the things I loved and I felt so bad because most of the pain I was feeling was projected onto others with anger and I just wanted to scream my pain out but I jsut couldn’t in fear of being judged every day was a loop i simply thought nobody would care and when I came home every day or night I had nobody to turn to because my parents would be on drugs or asleep because they where taking drugs the night before. I grew up so quick because of all this I still struggle to this day but I’m getting better now the scars I have are just battle scars and it reminds me everyday that I’m strong because look what I got myself through makes me feel so proud of myself because I’ve been through the unthinkable sad life and I somehow pulled through -HOLD ON PAIN ENDS" Your Stories Do you want your story submitted anonymously on the page. Choose an Issue Write Your story here Send Thank you, You are very brave.

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